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Whitehall Park School

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You must apply for a primary school place one year before your child can start school. You will need to apply when your child is three or has just turned four.

If you would like to request for your child to be educated outside of their chronological age group, this should be discussed with the Headteacher of your allocated school after an offer has been made.

In the UK, applications open on 1 September and close on 15 January every year.

Parents do not pay any fees, as we are a free school.

Applying for a place at Whitehall Park School

For a place at our school, families must apply via the Islington Council’s online form.

When there are fewer applicants than places available, all applicants will be admitted. If there is a greater demand than places available, places will be offered using the oversubscription criteria explained in our Admission Policy, in keeping with the School Admissions Code 2021.

Admission Policy 2024-2025 

Admission Policy 2025-2026 

See more information on the Islington website

See the Islington's guide to primary schools (2024).


Parents who have not been offered a place for their child at our school have the right to appeal to an independent panel. Parents wishing to appeal, should download and complete this form:BPET APPEALS FormThe form must be sent no later than 20 days after the date of the decision against which you wish to appeal.

This is what will happen next:
  • You will be told 10 school days in advance where and when your appeal is to be heard.
  • You will be invited to attend the hearing and, you may be accompanied by a friend or be
    represented. If you cannot attend the appeal your written appeal will be heard in your absence.
  • 5 days before the hearing you will be sent a written summary of the School’s case and the reasons for the decision against which you are appealing.
  • The proceedings, which will be as informal as possible, will normally be as follows:
    (i) case for the school
    (ii) questioning by the parent and panel
    (iii) the case for the parent
    (iv) questioning by School and panel
    (v) reply and summing up by School
    (vi) summing up by the parent.

In-Year applications

As many families have moved out of borough and surrounding areas, we have some space available for in-year transfers from Year 1 to 6. Do come and visit us, we can arrange school tours at a time to suit you. Simply contact the office.

In-Years applications are handled by the local authorities of where you live. Below are some useful contact details:

Islington Admissions Team
E: in-year@islington.gov.uk
T: 020 7527 5515

Haringey Admissions Team
E: schooladmissions@haringey.gov.uk
T: 020 8489 1000

Hackney Admissions Team
E: inyear@hackney.gov.uk
T: 020 8820 7000