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Whitehall Park School

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At Whitehall Park School, our intent is to provide a high-quality mathematics education that enables all pupils to achieve their full potential. We aim to foster a deep and secure understanding of mathematical concepts, ensuring that each child develops fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. By using the White Rose Maths scheme, we focus on a carefully sequenced curriculum that builds upon prior knowledge and prepares pupils for future mathematical learning. Our goal is to inspire a love for mathematics, encourage a growth mindset, and equip students with the confidence and skills they need to apply mathematics effectively in a variety of contexts.


 To achieve our intent, we implement the White Rose Maths scheme across all year groups, ensuring a consistent and structured approach to teaching mathematics. The White Rose scheme provides a clear, progressive framework that aligns with the National Curriculum and supports our teachers in delivering high-quality lessons.

  • Curriculum Delivery: Lessons are planned using the White Rose Maths schemes of learning, which break down mathematical concepts into small, manageable steps. This approach helps pupils build on their existing knowledge and progressively develop their understanding.
  • Lesson Structure: Each lesson follows a consistent structure that includes a clear learning objective, a ‘Teach and Do’ phase, guided practice, and independent tasks. This ensures that pupils receive direct instruction, ample practice, and opportunities for consolidation.
  • Assessment for Learning: Regular formative assessments are embedded within the White Rose scheme to gauge pupils' understanding and inform next steps. This allows for timely interventions and targeted support where needed.
  • Differentiation and Support: We adapt teaching to meet the needs of all learners through differentiated tasks and support mechanisms. The White Rose scheme offers resources and activities that cater to varying abilities, ensuring that all pupils are appropriately challenged.
  • Professional Development: We invest in ongoing professional development for our staff to ensure they are confident and skilled in delivering the White Rose Maths curriculum effectively. This includes regular training sessions and collaborative planning opportunities.


The impact of our maths curriculum is assessed through a combination of formative and summative evaluations, alongside the overall progress and achievements of our pupils.

  • Progress and Achievement: We monitor and track pupil progress through regular assessments and use this data to inform teaching and provide additional support where necessary. Our pupils demonstrate a solid understanding of mathematical concepts, as evidenced by their progress against age-related expectations.
  • Pupil Confidence and Enjoyment: We strive to create a positive and engaging learning environment where pupils are confident in their mathematical abilities and enjoy the subject. Feedback from pupil surveys and observations indicate high levels of enthusiasm and engagement in maths lessons.
  • Application of Skills: Pupils are able to apply their mathematical knowledge to solve problems in different contexts, demonstrating a deep understanding of concepts. They are proficient in using mathematical language and reasoning to explain their thinking.
  • Parental Feedback: We gather feedback from parents to understand their perspective on their child’s mathematical development and engagement with the curriculum. Positive feedback indicates that parents feel well-informed and involved in their child’s learning journey.


Overall, the implementation of the White Rose Maths scheme supports our aim to deliver a comprehensive, engaging, and effective mathematics education, resulting in pupils who are confident, competent, and prepared for future mathematical challenges.

Calculation Policy

Outlines of the calculation policy for addition and subtraction.

Outlines of the calculation policy for multiplication and division.

Additional Resources and Online Learning Platforms:

MathsBot – Online teaching tools

Times Tables Rockstars – Login details will be shared with your child

BBC Bitesize– Games relating to the KS2 curriculum

Topmarks– Maths games for all age groups

Maths Playground– Maths games for all age groups