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Whitehall Park School

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Music is an integral part of our school life. Pupils are immersed in music from the morning when we sing together and learn new pieces during singing assembly, to the afternoon when we have the whole class music lessons, lunchtime choir, peripatetic instrument lessons, and musical after school clubs.


Music Curriculum:

Our vision is to enrich our children’s futures through an in-depth love and appreciation of music.

The approach to unlocking this in every lesson is to have singing as the starting point for everything we do. Using a bank of performance tools, we develop conceptual understanding through analysis and listening to a wide range of styles from across the world and from different historical periods.

Once children have developed a rich and in-depth understanding of the music they have performed and listened to they are offered the opportunity to respond creatively through composing and performing their own music in that style.

Learning is linked thematically throughout the curriculum and we aim to make explicit links, where possible, by the study of music relevant to the historical or geographical area of focus. Links can also be made through the wider curriculum in other ways such as in PE with both musical canon and canon through movement, just as in computing children may make music through sequencing apps and manipulating audio recordings.

Below are visuals of the knowledge and skills maps that pupils will learn in each year group:

Year R

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6 

Pupils are encouraged to explore and understand the concepts of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo and notation through their time studying music in class. They have the opportunity to perform and compose in both solo and ensemble settings during these lessons. In addition, they will be exposed to a range of different instruments and musical styles to encourage their musical development and will have fun in the process!

Peripatetic Music Lessons

Currently we offer individual piano lessons, and group lessons for trumpet, guitar and violin and keyboard. The lessons are given during the day by experienced instrumental tutors. Throughout the year the children are encouraged to perform during concerts at school to showcase what they have learnt during their lessons. We have found that this greatly improves the children’s confidence, encourages a love of performing and inspires other children at the school to learn an instrument.

If you have any instruments that you are able to donate to the school, we would be incredibly grateful, as this would enable many more children to enjoy the valuable gift of music!

For music inquiries, email music@whitehallparkschool.org.uk