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Admission Policy 26-27: consultation report


Whitehall Park School opened in 2015 as a two-form entry school serving the communities of Islington and Haringey. Bellevue Place Education Trust (BPET), as the owner and manager of Whitehall Park School, is its Admissions Authority. Whitehall Park is situated in the London Borough of Islington, and borders the London Borough of Haringey. 

In accordance with the School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2021, admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, and in case there are any changes to its admission policy. A consultation on arrangements must run for a period of six weeks and be completed by 31 January.

See the article to launch the consultation here.

Consultation on Published Admission Numbers (PAN)

We have undertaken the process of consultation from Friday 4 November to 16 December 2024 (6 weeks) regarding the changes listed below to Whitehall Park School’s admission policy. Given the context of the fall of birth rate in London, the proposed changes were:

  • A reduction of the published admission number (PAN) from 60 to 30 per each year group.
  • This will follow a phased approach starting from the Reception year in the 2026-2027 academic year.

Who was consulted

The proposal was set out in agreement with the local authority of the London Borough of Islington.

The proposed changes and consultation papers were sent to:

  • Parents and/or carers of children currently at the school
  • School staff and Local Governing Board members
  • Pre-school and primary school providers within a 1.5mile radius of Whitehall Park School
  • Then London Borough of Islington network of education stakeholders (nurseries, primary and secondary schools)
  • The local authorities of Islington and Haringey.


Responses in writing by post or email were invited until 16 December 2024.

Two responses were received from existing parents of the school; the two families had questions on the logistical and financial impact of the PAN limitation. The parents were responded to in full by the Headteacher by email.


There has been no objections to the changes in the reduction in PAN, which follows the natural decline in pupils' numbers across the country, and inner London especially.

BPET Board approval – 11 March 2025

The results of this consultation will be sent to the trustees of Bellevue Place Education Trust, who will take the responses into account whilst considering the proposed amends for approval. The next BPET Board meeting will take place on 11th March 2025, where the changes proposed are expected to be approved.

Download the formal report here.