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Whitehall Park School

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Ofsted & school performance data

The latest Ofsted inspection from September 2022, judged our school as 'Good'. Read the full report on the Ofsted website.

This is a confirmation of our previous grade (2017), as well as a recognition of all the hard work, dedication and passion that staff have put into delivering excellent education to our pupils.

The Ofsted report highlighted the solid knowledge of subject leaders, how close knit and supportive staff is and how they work closely with the local authority, and leaders in other schools within the Bellevue Place Education Trust, of which we are part of, in order to develop expertise.

The report pointed out: "Pupils enjoy opportunities to take on responsibilities in the school. Pupils are taught about democratic processes. They vote for school council representatives, a head boy and a head girl. Pupils are proud to hold these positions and represent their school. […]"

His Majesty’s Inspector visited for two days, met with the headteacher and her senior team, discussed the curriculum with subject leaders, visited a sample of lessons, spoke to teachers, and children and looked at samples of pupils’ work.

A parent said: "The Ofsted report tallies with our positive experience as parents the past three years. It feels like a great platform to build upon for the future. Well done and thanks for all the hard work!"

Mark Greatrex, Chief Executive of the BPET said: "We are absolutely delighted that Whitehall Park School has been confirmed a Good school. With the pandemic, the last couple of years have been challenging, but the exceptional team at Whitehall Park continued relentlessly in their mission to deliver the very best for the pupils and community they serve."

To give your views on our school please visit Ofsted Parent View.

Performance data

The Department for Education produces national performance tables. These give information on the achievements of pupils in all schools in the country, and how they compare with other schools in the Local Authority (LA) area and in England as a whole.

See how Whitehall Park School's data compares to other schools in the UK.

Our assessment approach

We believe that assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. Our assessment system has at its heart Assessment for Learning; this is when teachers evaluate children’s learning in the classroom and provide them with feedback and next steps for each of them. Our teachers use assessment to ensure the correct scaffolding is built into lessons so that all children can achieve and make progress.

Teachers regularly check to ensure that everyone is on track and making the progress we expect, if we believe that children are able to make even more progress, teachers adapt their planning to challenge and support our children to reach their full potential, development, knowledge and understanding.

SATs 2024

The latest performance data will be published as soon as it is available.