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Secondary School Transition

We provide support and guidance for families in choosing the right secondary school for their needs. We understand that this is a huge transition and therefore aim to support our children and families in the best way that we can.

We start preparing our children for secondary school the day they join us by:

  • Developing children’s confidence year on year through our creative curriculum, clubs and activities
  • Working closely with Haringey and Islington as well as adjoining local authorities where our families live (such as Camden, Barnet and Enfield) to assist parents with the application process
  • Building strong links with a wide range of secondary schools: academies, foundation, voluntary-aided, independent, girls, boys and mixed schools – in both the state and independent sector.

Secondary school transfer process

We support all our families in making their choice for their child’s future secondary school. This is our process:

  • Year 5 parents receive a copy of our Secondary School Information Pamphlet outlining the support we offer each September
  • Year 4 and 5 parents receive a Secondary School Information Booklet. It contains information about the schools that are in our area and the surrounding local authorities, the number of offers received, and scholarships awarded
  • Every June we hold an information evening about the range of secondary schools and the application process for Year 4 and 5 parents. A representative from both Haringey and Islington Local Education Authorities attend to explain the state school application process.
  • Each Year 5 summer term and Year 6 autumn term, parents visit secondary schools
  • Applications for state grammar secondary schools are made in the Year 5 summer term
  • For Year 6 children with additional needs, we invite parents and the Secondary School Inclusion Leader (SENCo) to take part in the Annual Review of the Statement, Education Health and Care plan. The child and Learning Support Assistant complete a transition program, then visit the new secondary together to provide a smooth transition
  • Each summer term, we prepare full handover information forms and references, facilitate secondary staff visits and pupil visits to their new schools to ensure our children leave Whitehall Park feeling confident about the next stage of their educational journey.

Secondary destinations 2023